Sometimes patients, especially the elderly and in poor health, want a good, classic denture that will look natural, have beautiful teeth, hold firm and be imperceptible.
A complete denture made in a short period of time can restore a smile and quality of chewing after a longer period of toothlessness. If tissue and bone atrophy is quite advanced, a 2-implant cover overdenture is an ideal solution.
With a few remaining teeth, without the possibility of implant placement, the solution may be:
If the arrangement of the remaining teeth is favorable, it is possible to modify the wiron denture in such a way as to replace the clasps with joint connections as retention elements. In this case, the remaining teeth in the jaw are grinded and covered with metal by a ceramic bridge, which at its ends has joint attachments and on the principle of patrix and matrix achieve retention. Then we are talking about combined work and / or combination of fixed and mobile prosthetic replacement.